Purpose of the Trustmark Initiative
- TMI serves as the steward for the trustmark infrastructure
- Its primary role is community instantiation and support, NOT community governance
- Publishes and manages high-level how-to guidance about the trustmark model
- TODO: Capture what types of guidance are required
- E.g., How to become a trustmark community
- TODO: Capture what types of guidance are required
- Publishes and lifecycle-manages the spec
- Publishes and lifecycle-manages the open-source tools
- Publishes and lifecycle-manages a list of trustmark communities
- Community name, website address, contact info
- How a trustmark community works…
- Sign up (register? apply?) with the TMI as a trustmark community
- Must the community sign an agreement with TMI?
- If so, what must the agreement say?
- For example, we probably want to disclaim all liability that may arise from use of TMI. (?)
- Community must operate is own TBR
- Community can operate additional services (TPAT, TAT, etc.)
- Define some basic patterns
- Is there a cost associated with being a trustmark community?
- A trustmark community must govern itself in the following ways.
- Govern the set of approved trustmark providers (assessors), as well as which trustmarks each provider is approved to issue
- Govern the set of community “members” or “participants”, i.e., govern the process by which an organization can become listed in that community’s TBR
- Govern the set of approved trust policies that are applicable to the members or participants of their community
- A trustmark community should have a community-facing website
- Sign up (register? apply?) with the TMI as a trustmark community
- Define some standard configurations for a community, e.g.:
- One TBR, one TPAT, one TAT, where the community does all its assessments
- One TBR, one TPAT, list of approved assessors with TATs
- One TBR, one community TPAT, one member TPAT per member
- See also the Trustmark Communities slide deck from July 2023
What is the Trustmark Framework?